Leader's Message
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Introducing international high-quality educational resources, with the world and international standards, to run the domestic first-class, world-renowned Hankou University International Education.

Hubei Provincial People's Congress, Educator, Entrepreneur, Founder of Hankou University, Chairman, Incorporator, President, Dr Aiping Luo  


Dr Wu Chongshu, Vice Chairman of Hubei Higher Education Society, Teaching Supervisor of Civic and Political Education of Hubei Education Department, Former President of Hankou University  


Under the background of global internationalisation and regional integration, the development of higher education must focus on connotation construction and open up to the outside world in order to reach a higher level. It is hoped that the College of International Exchange will start from the actual situation of Hankou University, focusing on pragmatic cooperation, harmonious development, and win-win situation, and strive to seek more, better and more pragmatic cooperation projects with educational institutions of different countries, and actively carry out fruitful international exchanges and cooperation, so as to continuously improve the international level of the university.

Commissioner of Hubei Provincial Education Supervision, Secretary of Party Committee of Hankou University: Wang Zhengming


Our school is in a wonderful location where one can enjoy the scenery and culture of the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Our professors are great mentors to our students in their educational process, always inspiring them to explore new thoughts and ideas from a variety of perspectives. It will be an honour to host you in the United States. We look forward to welcoming you to study at George Fox University soon.

Dr Robin Baker, President, George Fox University  


Professor Kim Yu-hyuk, Chairman of the Board of Professors of Dankook University in Korea, world-renowned historian and presidential adviser


I was the middle student in my class from primary schools to university, and when I went to Taiwan to study in 1980, I was determined to be a model student from then on, as there was no diplomatic relations between China and Korea before 1992. When I first came to Taiwan, I didn't think about my future success or failure, but I just cherished the time I spent studying abroad. Because there is a Korean saying: "The highest status person in the world is a student, higher than the emperor. If the emperor comes, don't stand up." Studying abroad changed me, changed my life!

Currently Professor, Department of Philosophy, Dankook University, Korea; Vice President, College of International Exchange, Hankook College, Kim Cho Chang  


Depuis quelques années, nous accueillons des étudiants venus de Pékin et de Wuhan. Au fur et à mesure, des contacts se sont noués, notamment avec l'université d'Hankou. Cette convention vient formaliser ce partenariat, nous accueillons chaque année de quatre à huit étudiants. Des professeurs du conservatoire pourront se rendre en Chine pour des master-classe, et nous réfléchissons à d'autres échanges.----Robert llorca,directeur du conservatoire.

---- Mr Robert Rocca, Director of the Conservatory of Music of the Grand Salon