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2021.4 学校与全球教育企业榜排名第二的上市公司中公教育在国际教育领域进行深度合作
April 2121,the university carried out in-depth cooperation in the field of international education with Offcn, the second listed company in the list of global education enterprises.
2021.3 澳门科技大学来访我校,开启与澳门地区教育的交流与合作
March 2021, Macau University of Science and Technology visited our school to initiate  educational exchanges and cooperation with Macao.
2021.2 学校被授予湖北省教育国际交流协会理事单位
February 2021,the university was awarded as a council member of Hubei Education Association for International Exchange.
February 2020, during the outbreak of COVID-19, based on the achievements of international education in recent years, the University received a large number of anti-epidemic materials and consolation letter from overseas universities, international organizations, students and parents.
2019.10 学校在英国威尔士三一圣大卫大学建立首个全国同类高校的海外研究生院
October 2019, Hankou university has carried out in-depth cooperation with University of Wales Trinity Saint Davidin Wales in the United Kingdom and established The British Institute of Hankou University.
2019.9 董事长罗爱平教授与英国威尔士三一圣大卫 大学签订合作协议
September 2019,Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board,signed the cooperation agreement with University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
2019.9 学校在中国驻韩国大使馆和韩国驻武汉大使馆的支持下,首批韩国教育部公费资助韩国留学生到我校进行汉语研修和中韩文化交流
September 2019,with the support of the Chinese Embassy in South Korea and the South Korean Embassy in Wuhan, the first batch of Korean foreign students funded by the Ministry of education of the Republic of Korea came to our school for Chinese study and cultural exchange between China and South Korea.
2019.4 汉口学院成立中德航空产业园,奠基仪式在武汉开发区通航及卫星产业园隆重举行
April 2019, Hankou university established Sino-german Aviation Industrial Park, and held the foundation ceremony in the aviation and satellite industrial park of Wuhan development zone.
2018.5 我校受中华人民共和国驻韩国教育参赞接见,肯定和鼓励我校近年在中韩教育和文化发展做出的贡献
May 2018, the leaders of the International Exchange College were interviewed by the counsellor of education of the People's Republic of China in South Korea, acknowledged and encouraged our contribution to the educational and cultural development in China and South Korea in recent years.
2017.12 柬埔寨王国驻中国南宁总领事高屯司长来访学校,开启与柬埔寨王国教育的交流与合作
December 2017, Director Gao Tun, consul-general of Cambodia from the ministry of foreign affairs of the kingdom of Cambodia in Nanning, China, visited the university to launch the cooperation and exchanges with the kingdom of Cambodia.
2017.9 经湖北省教育厅和武汉市公安局出入境管理局批准,我校率先作为全省民办院校之一开始招收和培养来华留学生
September 2017,approved by the Department of Education of Hubei Province and the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Wuhan Public Security Bureau, our university took the lead in recruiting and training international students as one of the private universities in Hubei.客户端核心功能。
2017.4 韩国驻中国武汉大使馆总领事郑载男专程访问我校,感谢学校长期以来促进华中地区中韩青年学生在教育文化领域的交流与发展,加深中韩两国友好情感做出的贡献
April 2017,Mr. Jung Jae-nan, Consul General of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Wuhan, made a special visit to our school to thank our school for its contribution to promoting the exchanges and development of education and culture between Chinese and Korean young students in Central China and deepening the friendship between China and South Korea.
2017.2 白俄罗斯院校来访,开启与白俄罗斯教育的交流与合作
February 2017, part of colleges and universities of Republic of Belarus visited the university, started the cooperation and exchanges with Republic of Belarus.
2014.12 董事长罗爱平教授访问澳大利亚,受澳大利亚前总理霍华德的亲切接见,开启与澳大利亚教育的交流与合作
December 2014, Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board, visited Australia and welcomed by former Australian prime minister John Howard, which initiated the cooperation and exchanges with Australia.
2014.9 学校成立国际创新中心,聘请德国国家工程学院院士皮特·萨赫作为国际创新中心主任,负责学校有关科研项目和科研成果的转化和产业化工作
September 2014, the university established the International Innovation Center and Invited Peter Sachsenmeier, academician of the German national academy of engineering, as the director of the International Innovation Center and responsible for the transformation and industrialization of related scientific research projects and achievements of the university.
2013.10 董事长罗爱平教授访问泰国,受泰国副总理尼瓦塔隆?汶颂派讪亲切接见,开启与泰国教育的交流与合作
October 2013,  chairman professor Luo Aiping visited Thailand and was warmly welcomed by deputy prime minister Niwataron Vensang Paisan of Thailand to start the cooperation and exchanges with Thailand.
2013.10 董事长罗爱平教授随国家主席习近平访问印度尼西亚,开启与印度尼西亚教育的交流与与合作
October 2013, Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board, visited Indonesia with President Xi Jinping, started the cooperation and exchanges with Indonesia.
2012.12 乌克兰院校来访,开启与乌克兰教育的交流与合作
December 2012, part of colleges and universities of Ukrainian visited the university to start the cooperation and exchanges with Ukrainian.
2012.12 经教育部和湖北省教育厅批准我校与美国院校合作视觉传达设计专业本科中外合作办学项目
December 2012, Sino-foreign cooperative education program of visual communication design for undergraduate majors with American universities approved by Ministry of Education and Department of Education of Hubei Province.
2012.4 经湖北省教育厅批准我校与美国院校合作工商管理和艺术设计专业2个专科中外合作办学项目
April 2012, two Sino-foreign cooperative education programs for Business Administration and Art Design specialty majors with American colleges and universities approved by Department of Education of Hubei Province.
2012.4 新西兰院校来访我校,开启与新西兰教育的交流与合作
April 2012, part of colleges and universities in New Zealand visited our school to start the cooperation and exchanges with New Zealand.
2011.5 董事长罗爱平教授访问英国高校,开启与英国教育的交流与合作
May 2011, Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board, visited British universities and colleges, started the cooperation and exchanges with British.
2011.4 董事长罗爱平教授随原国家总理温家宝访问马来西亚,开启与马来西亚教育的交流与合作
April 2011, Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board, with the former Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited Malaysia, started the cooperation and exchanges with Malaysia.
2011.1 董事长罗爱平教授随原国家主席胡锦涛访问美国,开启与美国教育的交流与合作
January 2011, Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board, visited the United States with former President Hu Jintao, started the cooperation and exchanges with America.
2009.9 德国院校来访我校,开启与德国教育的交流与合作
September 2009, part of colleges and universities in German visited our school, opened the cooperation and exchanges with German.
2009.7 董事长罗爱平教授访问香港地区高校,开启与香港地区教育的交流与合作
July 2009, Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board, visited universities and colleges in Hongkong to start cooperation and exchanges with Hongkong.
2007.9 成立国际学院,作为学校国际化教育发展的“桥头堡 ”和“试验田”
September 2007, the International College was established as the "Gateway" and "Experimental field" of the University’s international education development.
2005.1 董事长罗爱平教授访问韩国院校,开启与韩国教育的交流与合作
January 2005, Professor Luo Aiping, chairman of the board, visited South Korean universities and colleges to start the cooperation and exchanges with South Korean.
2004.9 学校与新加坡PSB学院联合办学,开启国际化教育里程碑
September 2004, the university and PSB college of Singapore jointly run a school, opened the milestone of international education.